Sri Lanka, an island country that is filled with a diversified & rich cultural heritage, is one of the ancient countries on the planet. This island is flanked by the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea & the Bay of Bengal. Up until 1972, this place was known as Ceylon & has pieces of evidence of human settlements and civilizations that date up to around 3000 years ago. Sri Lanka is an important trade nation and a prominent country during the period of Hindu epic, Ramayana. With so much cultural significance, this nation is a must-visit for one & all.
Colombo is the legislative as well as the commercial capital of this mighty island nation. One can enjoy the monuments & buildings that were built during the Portuguese, Dutch, and British eras. The administrative capital of Sri Lanka as of now is Sri Jayawardana Kotte, from 1980.
Who’s up for Kite flying?
One of the main attractions of Colombo includes Galle Face Green, which is an urban park located along the coast. This park is used to be a hub for sports such as horse racing, cricket, rugby, & golf. However, now a day, this park is used by local vendors, kite flyers, & children as a large playground.
Let’s visit the Buddha!
A famous Buddhist temple in Colombo is Gangramaya Temple, which has features such as the Bodhi tree, the Vihara Mandiraya, the Relic chamber & the Seema Malaka. The Seema Malaka is an assembly hall for Buddhist monks. This place has a library, museum along a residential hall. The Seema Malaka is a Buddhist shrine. A serene place for Buddhist worship & gathering knowledge about Buddha, this temple is a haven for monks & scholars.
An old Cricket legacy!
Viharamahadevi Park used to be a prominent destination for all cricket lovers as first-class matches used to be conducted here, at one time. With a Buddha statue & several water fountains, this park is an attraction for all those who like to know about cricket or just out for a stroll.
Biodiversity Hotspots
Sri Lanka & Colombo have almost around 20 to 25 sites recognized by UNESCO as biodiversity hotspots. Travel enthusiasts can visit exotic flora & fauna here with learning about the ways to save endangered & rare species.
National Museum of Colombo
The Royal Asiatic Society was instrumental in the construction of a national museum in Colombo, and it was nationalized in 1940. Attractions in this museum include the Statue of Tara; Tara is known as the mother of liberation, being a prominent figure of Buddhism. She is also known as Female Buddha or Female Bodhisattva. This museum also has a collection of crown jewels of the King of Kandy. The museum has an in-house library built-in 1870 with all the information that is needed to know about Sri Lanka, along with other prominent places of the island nation such as Colombo.
Globes Travel & Shorexcursions ASIA
With the help of our team, we at Shorexcursions ASIA help all travelers to enjoy Colombo, as much as possible in a single day. Enjoy the rich cultural heritage of this mighty island nation, with us.